Saturday, June 20, 2020

Gynaecomastia Procedure & Post Surgery Maintenance

Before and After Gynaecomastia Surgery

Gynaecomastia Surgery Procedure


How Gynaecomastia Surgery is performed?

You don't have to let enlarged breast or gynecomastia keep you embarrassed and away from social life. With the help of a skilled, expert cosmetic surgeon at Dhanwantari’s Chrysalis, get back your masculine chest. After surgery quick recovery is possible due to advanced methods.


Learn more about male breast reduction surgery


Gynaecomastia or male breast reduction by liposuction and gland excision is one of the most effective treatments for enlarged male breasts.  We need to take care of both, the enlarged gland, and the excess fat. The excess fat deposition is reduced with liposuction and the gland is removed from a 1cm incision in the areola (trans areolar approach), which on healing leaves behind an almost invisible scar.


After removal of glandular tissues and excess fat, more masculine contour reappears with flatter and firmer look.

Hence the entire procedure is done rapidly with no marks over the chest.

Depending on the size, Gynaecomastia is graded from I to IV and a separate category of pseudogynaecomastia includes breast enlargement due to fat deposition as a result of obesity.


Post Surgery

After gynecomastia surgery, you should notice an immediate improvement in the shape and appearance of your chest. While you may feel sore for a few days, pain is usually minimal.  While your cosmetic surgeon will likely prescribe some pain medication, many men find that over-the-counter options, such as Paracetamol, is sufficient. If you are given a compression garment, wear it. This will enhance your comfort and help your chest heal optimally.


After surgery, dressings or bandages are applied to your incisions and you will be advised to wear a support garment to minimize swelling and support your new chest contour as it heals.

You may feel a little discomfort & feel mild stiffness and pain in your chest which will subside within 2-3 days.

All the normal office type activities can be resumed after 2-3 days while the heavy physical activities and swimming should be restricted for a few days as per the advice of your doctor.

Results of Gynecomastia Surgery are permanent, although subsequent obesity can create a Gynecomastia-like effect.


Doctors Details

Dr. Salil Patil (MCh Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery)

Gynaecomastia Surgeon

Dhanwantari's Chrysalis

Third Floor, Bhondve Corner building,

Ravet- D.Y.Patil College Road, Ravet


Call Us: +91 89802 08978

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Benefits Of Gynaecomastia Surgery


Gynaecomastia is defined as an enlargement of the male breast and is a very common condition affecting 25-30% of men of all ages. In this condition excess glandular breast tissue leads to an enlargement of male breasts. Gynaecomastia occurs due to decreased amount of the hormone testosterone compared with estrogen. Several things can upset the hormone balance. Other causes of Gynaecomastia which are relatively uncommon are steroid intake, liver diseases, testicular cancer, alcohol or drug intake, to name a few.


It is often benign but enlarged breasts is a source of significant social embarrassment and psychological distress to the affected men.Research shows that even mild gynecomastia results into adverse psychological effects in boys,Patients with gynecomastia may suffers from depression, anxiety, disordered eating, body dissatisfaction, and reduced self-esteem, affecting standard quality of life.


Patients medical history and physical examination play an important role in recommending surgery for a patient with Gynaecomastia.


Benefits of Gynaecomastia surgery


Physical Appearance

Gynaecomastia produce results that blend extremely well with a patient's body aesthetics. Soon after the surgery, one gets back to the desired or normal shape. One does not have to wait long to see the result, which is the beauty of cosmetic surgery.


Increased Self Confidence

Self Confidence is a tool that helps us face challenges and tackle problems in life, with great certainty. When you look good, you feel good which in turn increases your self confidence.

It leads to greater willingness to try new things or open up in social situations. You become more willing and open to wearing certain clothes or participating in activities which you avoided prior to surgery, due to discomfort in your appearance.


For some, having Gynaecomastia procedure can be vital to confidence levels and good self-image.


Emotional Benefits 

When you look good, you feel good. Improvements to appearance naturally translate to increased self-confidence for most people, which means a greater willingness to try new things or open up in social situations.


Enhanced Mental Health 

Mental health benefits can be gained from Gynaecomastia procedures as well. Some people see a reduction in social anxiety after their surgery, due to the new feelings of self-confidence their new look inspires. It is not unusual to feel greater control over your life, become more willing to take on new challenges, or take charge of your life in a whole new way. 


Doctors Details

Dr. Salil Patil (MCh Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery)

Gynaecomastia Surgeon

Dhanwantari's Chrysalis

Third Floor, Bhondve Corner building,

Ravet- D.Y.Patil College Road, Ravet


Contact: +91 89802 08978

What is Enlarged breasts in men (Gynaecomastia)?

Gynaecomastia or Enlarged breasts in men is a very common condition affecting 25-30% of men of all ages. Enlarged breasts are a source of social embarrassment and distress to the affected men, which can severely affect confidence and restrict social interaction.

Gynaecomastia is easily and permanently treated with a simple surgery, which can be done as a daycare procedure. You can get your surgery done in the morning and be discharged home by afternoon, without the need for any overnight admission. You can resume all daily activities the next day. And you don’t have to be embarrassed ever again to take your shirt off.


Signs and symptoms of gynecomastia include:

  • Swollen or enlarged breast tissue
  • Breast pain


See your doctor if you have:

  • Swelling
  • Pain or tenderness
  • Nipple discharge from one or both breasts



Gynaecomastia occurs due to decreased amount of the hormone testosterone compared with estrogen.

Gynaecomastia is seen in newborn babies, due to mother’s hormones in their blood, in teenage years around puberty, and in the elderly. The most common cause of Gynaecomastia is hormonal changes which occurs with normal aging lead to increase in size of the breast tissue and fat deposition.

Other causes of Gynaecomastia which are relatively uncommon are steroid intake, liver diseases, testicular cancer, alcohol or drug intake, to name a few.


Who is the best candidate for Gynaecomastia surgery?

Men of any age who are healthy and emotionally stable are considered good candidates for Gynaecomastia surgery. The best candidates are those who have firm, elastic skin that will reshape to the body’s new contours.


Eligibility to undergo a Gynaecomastia surgery:

  • Any of the above mentioned reasons makes you a suitable candidate to undergo Gynaecomastia treatment, but to be an eligible candidate for surgery you should also fulfill the following criteria:
  • Every surgical procedure including plastic or cosmetic surgery involves certain risks. You should undergo a Gynaecomastia only if you have a medical requirement or you feel that the particular surgery will enhance your quality of life.
  • You shall be a good candidate for the Gynaecomastia if you are healthy, you have realistic expectations from the outcome of the surgery and you are aware of all the risks associated with the procedure.
  • You should not consider undergoing a cosmetic surgery if you have serious health issues like uncontrolled diabetes, heart diseases, high blood pressure, bleeding disorders like haemophilia, or depression.
  • You shall not be a good candidate for the Gynaecomastia if you smoke too much or drink too much alcohol.
  • You should have positive attitude!
  • You expectations from the outcome of the surgery should be realistic.



Doctors Details

Dr. Salil Patil (MCh Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery)

Gynaecomastia Surgeon

Dhanwantari's Chrysalis

Third Floor, Bhondve Corner building,

Ravet- D.Y.Patil College Road, Ravet


Contact: +91 89802 08978

Gynaecomastia Procedure & Post Surgery Maintenance

Gynaecomastia Surgery Procedure   How Gynaecomastia Surgery is performed? You don't have to let enlarged breast or gynecomastia keep ...